Nicely put Stacey! So helpful. My personal green light for The Empty Sea in the last two weeks:

Hired Eve Symington for some coverage to help with one final polish. Her notes were spot on, and the polish is coming along nicely. — Funded Producer Darren Demetre to build a budget based on the new draft in the $ 6 mil range. He's also promised to send it to his contacts at Groundswell when ready. — Darren asked for a look book, so that is in process with a graphic designer. — We have a script for a teaser which we'll shoot in late May: proof of concept, director talent and designed to tantalize potential lead actors by featuring the role as a mystery man (we never see his face as he performs his magical fixes ... "Who is that guy!?") — Began work with Casting Director Lana Veenker, putting some cash in escrow, to at least get one of these actors to read it: Andre Holland, LaKeith Stanfield, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Arinze Kene, and long show David Olewow. — And finally Neil Kopp of Film Science is giving it read as we speak. ... There ya go!

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Thanks David and sounds like you're in a great place with your project - congrats on all the forward movement!

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Great read! Catching back up now that we’ve entered the postproudction phase of our short.

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Thanks Robin!

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Thank you! I was on the consulting tab of Film Specific, and I’ll likely be reaching out in 2025 when I have scripts (that I actually want to produce) completed and ready to grow, as well as some legal entity, either stateside or here in Colombia. I think there are a lot of advantages having an international focus as opposed to just the US, and also a sincere number of challenges. One that I know for certain after doing my short here, is the funding for a feature-film in COL, Ecuador, or Mexico (assuming minimal locations that we can actually secure and actors without star appeal) will be a much smaller number in comparison to some of the small budget indie projects shot in the US. How I can guarantee a return on investment, however, is something I will be hoping to learn from your content and others. All I know is that I see a potential for international audiences in a way that supersedes the previous compartmentalization of the Latin American market. There is definitely a demand for original stories that aren’t tailored to a telenovela. How to sell this vision I have is something I’m not too sure on how to do, not yet at least.


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Yep, totally agree Robin!

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