When Is A Good Time To Submit Your Film To Distributors?
Confused about when to approach distributors? Capitalize on timing over perfection.
If you missed my Tuesday newsletter on A Modern Financing Playbook take a look over the weekend and hit me up in the comments with any questions. I’ll be diving into this more next week but my sentiments have clearly lit a fuse out there judging by the number of emails and conversations I’ve had since then.
On the distribution front…
I’ve buttoned up two distribution deals this week for features and the sentiment out there is we want more. So, if you have a film in Post and want to strike with the iron is hot, remember you don’t have to wait until you have your final sound mix and color is done before submitting your film…. even a solid rough cut will do which is how I’ve been presenting projects. (Trust me, distributors are used to evaluating projects at this stage and can see past the ‘details’).
Like I’ve said before, if you have experience with distribution on prior projects, go ahead and reach out to your network and start making inroads now before the AFM frenzy takes over later this summer/early fall.
And if you want a partner to navigate the whole distribution journey with you, then email me asap at stacey@filmspecific.com with details on your project and preferably a link to a trailer or website and if I think I think I can help you in a consulting capacity I’ll let you know the details on that. At the very least, I’ll point you in the right direction if I can.
OK that’s it for today gang… I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead and more on financing playbooks next week :)
To your success,